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History of FOCUS

Clif & Galina Sanderson

Co-Founders of
FOCUS International
 Clif Sanderson was born in 1939 and grew up in New Zealand. Clif worked for a number of years writing and directing radio and television commercials and documentaries. He was also a newspaper columnist, writing a film and theatre column for one of Australia's larger newspapers. At a special point in his life, he turned his attention to the Natural Healing field. With this work, which he calls "Intentional Healing" came extensive travelling to study many indigenous peoples' ways of natural healing.
While in Russia, he was working with a team of doctors to help children who had suffered large amounts of radiation. While there, he met Galina and her son. Galina is from Russia and was making a film about these children of Chernobyl. Clif helped to heal Galina's son of his serious health problems. They found that they had a mission together to bring awareness and healing to the world in the area of healing for the children. They married and share all aspects of their life together .

Clif and Galina have been living in more than 20 countries worldwide. They have offered healing and wisdom through various modalities: workshops, one-to-one healing, hospital team membership, keynote health conference speaker, media presentation and as authors.


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